DataqSDK 1.0 (beta) for Linux Refer to the README first. BUILDING THE LIBRARY: [DataqSDK]$ make -for static binary: [DataqSDK]$ make static -for shared binary: [DataqSDK]$ make shared *you may need to install the shared library, unless you plan on linking it yourself *ROOT OPERATION (use "su" to become root) [DataqSDK]# make install *to go back to normal user, use "exit" *Note: to install the precompiled shared library, first move it to the "DataqSDK" directory and then perform the "make install" *Note: to uninstall the library, do the following as root: [DataqSDK]# make uninstall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING EXAMPLE PROGRAM: -Static library: 1) Copy the precompiled static library (*.a) to the example directory: [dataqsdk_example]$ cp ../DataqSDK/precompiled/libdataqsdk.a . 2) Build the example: [dataqsdk_example]$ make static-example *Note: The shared library must not be installed for the static library to work properly. 3) Example program usage: ./static-example [sample rate] [scans] [channels] [dataqsdk_example]$ ./static-example 240.00 100 5 -Shared library: 1) Copy the precompiled shared library (*.so.*) to the "DataqSDK" directory: [DataqSDK]$ cp precompiled/ . 2) Install the library: [DataqSDK]$ make install *Note: This must be done as root. 3) Build the example: [dataqsdk_example]$ make shared-example 4) Example program usage: ./shared-example [sample rate] [scans] [channels] [dataqsdk_example]$ ./shared-example 240.00 100 5 *You may also use the precompiled example binaries in the "precompiled" directory. Note, however, that the shared library must still be installed before it can be used by the shared-example program.